Online Banking Application
We used MAMP v4.5, configured to run MySQL v5.6.38 and PHP7.2.1, to build our application’s backend.
We formulated our databse schema’s relations, columns and constraints, and imported the file into our database.
We used Fill Database to generate initial dummy data to start testing our database relations, then imported the file into our database.
CREATE EVENT daily_interest
EVERY 1 DAY STARTS '2018-07-01 12:30:00'
COMMENT 'Daily Interest Transaction on Accounts'
UPDATE account a, account_type t SET a.Balance = a.Balance * (1 + t.InterestRate/100) WHERE a.AcctType = t.AcctType;
We used Xcode v9.4.1 to develop our iOS 11 application to cater for three different types of users: clients, tellers and administrators, and used this following color palettle for our storyboards.